I am a french Cloud System Architect / DevSecOps.


  • Linux Expertise:
    • Bash
    • Systemd
    • SE-linux
  • Kubernetes Expertise:
    • Design, deployment, and management (on-premise)
    • Storage solutions (CSI)
    • Network solutions (CNI)
    • Helm
    • ArgoCD
    • Backstage
    • Keycloak
    • Kyverno
  • Docker Expertise
  • Web Expertise:
    • WAF (CloudFlare, Fortiweb, …)
    • Reverse-proxy (Nginx, Traefik, Fortiweb, …)
    • Python (Flask, Django), PHP…
    • Redis
  • CI/CD Expertise
  • Skills in software architecture and development (primarily in Python today)
  • Storage and SAN Skills (Fabric OS, IBM Spectrum systems)
  • Postgres Skills (clustering, …)
  • Network Skills

Generally, I distinguish myself with a very strong ability to adapt and grasp new environments and technologies.

My foremost quality is knowing my limits and knowing when to seek for expertise.


In 2004, for my eleventh birthday, I asked for my first domain name (the first trace of my presence on the web is an ugly frontpage website about Concorde).

At thirteen years old, I set up my first server in my parents’ basement. I am one of those people who received Ubuntu CDs in the mail. I spent more time assembling computers from old ones and installing various OSes on it than actually using them…

In high school my room looked like something between a computer repair shop and a small datacenter.

After studying aerospace engineering (specializing in embeded systems), I joined the Thales Group as a software developper and quickly became a (quite versatile) system engineer. I thrived on this versatility and discovered that I was good at solving technical problems and designing systems involving a broad-spectrum of technologies.

In 2021, like many after the pandemic, my partner and I wanted to try a new way of life and we moved to Brittany where I joined the team of a small Cloud Service Provider as a DevSecOps. I quickly rose to an architect position and designed an on-premise kubernetes soltion from the ground up. This solution is :

  • Entirely deployed AND configured as code (declarative)
  • Based on open-source standard software solutions
  • Perfectly integrated inside the company’s infrastructure & ecosystem (network, storage, nackup and security solutions)
  • Adapted to the company’s strong staff constraints
  • Ready for multitenant self-service (from an application catalog baased on Helm where each application is higly customizable by the customer)

More broadly, I am responsible for automation and containerization. I also handle storage and IBM Power systems.